A Prestigious Ministerial Training Center of Excellence
Welcome to Assurance Of Faith Ministerial Training Center (A.O.F.M.T.C.) “A Prestigious Ministerial Training Center of Excellence” where everybody is somebody and the Holy Spirit is the Headmaster and Instructor.
A.O.F.M.T.C. was founded on Matthew 28:18-20 NKJV - And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore] and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
A.O.F.M.T.C. is a Ministerial Training Center designed for the men and women of God who are seeking excellence and desire to increase their knowledge in Leadership and Ministerial Skills.
A.O.F.M.T.C is commissioned by God to help further the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world by making Disciples of Christian men and women who dare to take a stand for righteousness. To establish stability and confidence in their ministry by training and preparing them to lead the flock of God, to win and save the lost, to exemplify the life of Christ and to become an establisher of the policies of the Kingdom. To go forth with boldness observing all things; preaching the truth of Jesus Christ for the Kingdom to come.
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV- Prayer and Study is the only way that one can achieve the mandate of God in their ministry. A.O.F.M.T.C. stresses the importance of prayer, study and meditating on the Word of God.
Assurance of Faith Ministerial Training Center
A.O.F.M.T.C. Est. 1991
A.O.F.M.T.C. Offers:
Basic Ministerial Training - Classroom
Basic Ministerial Training - Online Course
Basic Ministerial Training - Online Course: Online Training is designed for people that are unable or do not have the time to attend a regular classroom setting. This is an 18-week (5-mos.) course and will require 6 hours per week, which is equivalent to 108-class room hours of study including homework and reading assignments. This course covers over (30) areas of basic knowledge of ministry. This course will strengthen, give stability and enhance your confidence in Ministry through Biblical teaching and Sound Doctrine.
Basic Ministerial Training - Classroom: The Basic Ministerial Training Course is designed to train in the Basic Fundamentals of Ministry Christian Leadership and Development. This is an 18-week course (5-mos.) and will require 6 hours per week, which is equivalent to 108-class room hours of study including homework and reading assignments. This course covers over (30) areas of basic knowledge of ministry. This course will strengthen, give stability and enhance your confidence in Ministry through Biblical teaching and Sound Doctrine.
[This course is Now Offered at Cornerstone Association of Apostles & Prophets] Cornerstone School of Prophets: The School of Prophets is an 18-week (5-mos.) course covering over (30) areas of Prophetic training that are extremely vital for the growth and anointing of the Prophet, Prophetess and Seer. This course includes:
Ministry of the Apostle and Bishop
The Anointing of the Prophet
How God Communicates with the Prophet and more.
This course will require 6 hours per week, which is equivalent to 108-class room hours of study including homework and reading assignments over an 18-week (5-mo.) period.
Apostle Dr. Shirley Cole-Raiford is the Founder, President, and Senior Instructor of Assurance of Faith Ministerial Training Center, Components of Great Leadership Workshops, and the Chief Commissioner and Consecrator of Cornerstone Association of Apostles & Prophets and United Ministries of Faith International.
Assurance Of Faith Ministerial Training Center Schedule
2025 Winter/Spring Training Schedule (Online)
Thursday January 9, 2025
Orientation and Review of Syllabus
Tuesday January 14, 2025 - Thursday May15, 2025
18 weeks of classes begin:
Regular Class Days and Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday
8 PM-10 PM EST
2025 Summer/Fall Training Schedule (Online)
Thursday June 9, 2025
Orientation and Review of Syllabus
Tuesday June 19, 2025 - Thursday October 23, 2025
18 weeks of classes begin:
Regular Class Days and Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday
8 PM-10 PM EST

All Homework and Reading Assignments are
Mandatory for Completion and Certificates
At the end of Course Study you will receive:
Certificate of Completion in Course Study
Certificate of Christian Leadership
The courses also offer but are not mandatory:
Certificate of Ordination
Ordination Credential Card